Attention membres d'AirSwap .

04 Mar 2023, 20:09
📢 Attention membres d'AirSwap ! N'oubliez pas de soumettre vos votes pour les AIPs 83, 85 et notre mise à jour mensuelle sur #Activate. Le vote se termine demain 5 mars ! 🔗 Lien ici :

Same news in other sources

AirSwapAST #853
04 Mar 2023, 20:23
📢 Attention AirSwap Member! Don't forget to submit your vote for AIPs 83 and 85 and our monthly update on #Activate. Voting closes tomorrow March 5! 🔗 Link here:
Attention AirSwap Member. Don't forget to submit your vote for AIPs 83 and 85 and our monthly update on #Activate.
📢 Attention AirSwap Member! Don't forget to submit your vote for AIPs 83 and 85 and our monthly update on #Activate. Voting closes tomorrow March 5! 🔗 Link here: